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Self Love

Everyone needs some affection in their life, be it from a loved one, or friends and peers. But there is one most important source of affection; and that is YOU. Self-love is the most necessary and essential form of love and acceptance there is.

Self-love is not about being narcissistic or self-absorbed. It is about getting in touch with our feelings and thoughts and appreciating ourselves. It’s extremely essential to learn how to practice self-love so that they can push past the negative thoughts and beliefs they hold about themselves.

Self-love means having a high regard for our own well-being and happiness. It’s taking care of one’s own needs and not subjecting ourselves to anything just to please others. Self-love can mean different things to different people. Self-love in its true form is a practice that one need to engage in daily. We all have fallen into the downward spiral of negative self-talk, even if it is in varying degrees. We have sometimes put ourselves down or thought less of our accomplishments and talents. Even if it because of temporary low-self esteem or experiencing failures, these self-deprecating thoughts or behaviors become very harmful for how we perceive ourselves and have adverse effects on one’s life. These thoughts might start as self-deprecating jokes or being super modest about one’s abilities and accomplishments, but over time you start believing them. We become our own worst critics, and not in a constructive way. This only holds us back, and stops us from being our most amazing self!

Putting ourselves last, or failing to love and respect ourselves repeatedly, only increases the chances of being stressed, increases anxiety and inflates our reactivity to little things that we would’ve ignored before. Things can eventually seem more difficult, overwhelming and lead to you feeling depleted and overall tired and unhappy.

Ultimately, our happiness is in our own hands, and is dependent on how we take care of ourself. Practicing self-love is about trusting, loving and appreciating yourself. The key to truly being happy is not depend on external factors for happiness and satisfaction.

If you are someone who has experienced negative emotions directed toward yourself, take a deep breath, give yourself a little hug and start practicing the following:

  • A good way to stop self-deprecating behaviors/thoughts and trying to please others at your own expense is to catch yourself in the act! Whenever you find yourself engaging in negative self-talk, even if it is jokingly, stop yourself. Remind yourself of what an awesome, capable and unique individual you are!
  • Consciously stop yourself from being a people pleaser and always putting others first. Catch yourself and be mindful of saying “yes” all the time and stretching yourself thin. Say no once in a while and prioritize yourself and your time.

Little habits in your daily life can contribute to having a more satisfying and happy life! Practicing self-love and treat yourself how you would treat a loved one. Be kind to yourself and your body, after all you can only help others once you’ve helped yourself!